Purchase the land:
Our first goal is to purchase land. We are actively looking for land within 45 minutes of the Tulsa area. Some key features we are looking for include water on site, trees, and around 100 acres of land. Got any leads? We would love to hear from you.
Live on the land:
Once land is acquired we will work as quick as possible to get the land livable. This may include the work of installing utilities, roads, and structures. Some adventurous members may move in and live completely off-grid to start, others will work to build their homes over time before moving in. We will also get income in quickly by setting up low cost campsites and glamping for members of our community and others who may want to visit.
Master Architect Plan:
All of these steps will fit into our master architect plan. This is to ensure that we grow organically with as little setback as possible.
1. Purchase Land
2. Initial Concept Sketch
II. Build Initial Housing
Action Steps:
1. Research and determine alternative or temporary housing
2. Renovate or build housing
3. Meet with Architect and finalize initial Concept
III. Land Development for Infrastructure, Farming and Sustainability
IV. Create a Common Space for Meetings, Workshops and other Projects
V. Build Commercial Kitchen
VI. Land Development Phase II: based on demand
VII. Build More Permanent Community Housing
VIII: Build Community Center
Action Steps:
1. Meet with Architects
2. Determining to include both large event space and other multi-functional spaces.
IX. Complete Community Build Out
1. Apartment Housing or other communal housing
2. Lodging for Community Center
3. Additional Projects.
*This is the frame of our plan. Join our email list and meetings to get more extensive details on how you can grow this community.